Why doesn’t God answer my prayers?

Why has God never helped me, even though I have prayed to him, tried my best to do what is right, and have now been psychologically suffering with the same problem for close to 21 years? It feels like I'm in Hell, so what am I missing? No Atheists.

© 2023 CombosNKills (in Quora.)

I’m 29 and have had epilepsy for over 10 years now. Ever since I was a kid I always believed in God and hard work, but coming to realize God can't help me. God didn't help me when I was constantly failing class due to a learning disability I didn't know I had. God didn't help me when I joined the army to make a better life for myself because I ended up getting seizures and really f****d up mentally and physically because of that. God didn't help me as a veteran, I slaved with some of the worst employers who treated employees better not based on hard work, but because they were personal friends. God didn't help me throughout all my years of hard labour as a veteran which ended up disabling me even MORE and now I can't work anywhere. I'm useless to society and now living off the government. God still hasn't helped even though I've been praying to him/her my entire life. I can't even play sports or run my own business. What kind of business owner can't physically help his employees? Believing in God is the biggest disappointment of my life. Just work as hard as you can and don't trust some magical god to help deliver part of your rewards in life for being such a good and hard working person.

© 2023 Harry Waters (in Quora.)

Hello my friend. I feel the pain from your question. I don’t know what type of torment you have within your mind, but it has persistently attacked you for over 21 years? It is very much a long time and it seems almost lifelong.

Humans cannot escape pain in the existing world we live. Often we cannot explain its source. Is it a genetic disease that came from our ancestors? Is it the result of a virus? Is it resulting from a fall, a physical force when lifting, a car accident? Is it from brain chemical imbalances that have occurred? Have we experienced a traumatic experience such as losing a parent to death, or experiencing loss?

Often times in my life, I asked ‘why?’ But many times, I don’t receive a reason. Other times, I do. For example, I discovered why my father suffered from schizophrenia- because it is a genetic condition that my grandmother had. I cannot explain why the frontal cortex is affected by dopamine imbalances, and I don’t know how many ancestors had it, yet I know the world is imperfect.

Can I blame God? Where is God during suffering? My Bible tells me several things about God which is helpful. Coming from the aspect of writers who were often in difficult times:

  1. God is love. Therefore He loves me.
  2. God will never leave nor forsake me. This means He is with those who suffer.
  3. God has a plan and purpose for everyone—for good. I know that God wants the best for me even when times are tough.
  4. God’s strength is made perfect in weakness. God wants to give me part of his strength to endure anything life gives me.
  5. Romans 5:3–4 tells me that I can grow positively when I endure pain, and that I can learn to persevere. I grow in character and can experience God’s love for me in even greater ways.
  6. The Bible tells me that God walks with me even in times of darkness. I know He is alongside those who experience suffering.
  7. God asks people to come beside the weak and tired. This means there are others in my life sent by God to help me endure my pain. It could be parents, friends, medical staff, priests, pets, neighbours, or even an occasional stranger or two. Whether
  8. I see it or not, God is there. Sometimes in big ways. Other times in ways that we can’t see.
  9. God appeared on earth and suffered for us. He is now returned to his dimension and now intercedes for us daily. This means Jesus is praying for you right now, and comes from a position where he experienced pain and sees the pain you endure.
  10. God gives intelligence to humans to create solutions and help each other. Are you prescribed a medication that was discovered from research? This is designed to help you. God gives intelligence and insight to scientists to help us with physical or biological pain.
  11. God has invisible servants known as ‘angels’ who are there to assist humans. You may not be aware of their presence in your life, but we know they exist as the Bible states they do [and experience proves it, JMP].
  12. God promises a new world, a new heaven and a new earth. He also promised a resurrection body for us who have faith in him. In other words, I hope for a time when I am changed and have no sickness nor suffering. That the world will not groan with its own suffering. The day will come—God promises this.
  13. The Bible tells me that our physical body holds a greater power within us—our immortal spirit. It means that sickness and suffering may inflict my physical body, but my spiritual body—the one that communicates with God - is safe, powerful and able to connect with God’s power.
  14. I can help others who endure the same crises that I do. The Bible tells me that I should ‘strengthen my brothers and sisters’. This means that if I learn to endure and remain positive despite my pain, I can help others to know God’s love for them.
  15. I see others that have overcome despite great pain and suffering. Through the example of others, and by asking how God helps those who seem to overcome DESPITE their pain, I can understand how God is helping ME, and see where God HAS helped me throughout my life—if I take my eyes off my pain and look around me.

I hope you can understand where God is in your life at the moment, my friend. I have discovered that there had never been a moment in my life that He has stopped loving me and helping me. May this revelation be one you realize too.