The Perfect Church

© 2023 Jeffrey M Pearce

One of the traits of the Modern "Church", as seen amongst Christian Believers, is that many of these acknowledged "Believers" consistently move from "church" to "church" for reasons not immediately apparent to those outside these organisations of people desiring something or another.

What are they doing going around between varying congregations? Are they seeking to hear every acknowledged "good" speaker? Are they seeking a congregation of believers who have the same beliefs, theology and doctrines as they themselves have? Perhaps they are moving from one place to another seeking miracles, gifts, and the power of God? How about looking for prophets who will tell them God's Will for the future? Surely God would want that for all of us? Or a group of friendly people who will offer them fellowship and friendship without demanding too much of them privately and financially? Perhaps the most consistent of these movers and travellers are those who go from church to church to find those who 2 Timothy 4:3... will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

2 Tim 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."

None of these ways are the way to find the perfect church. And what is a perfect church anyway? Well lets look at this phenomena! A perfect church is;

A group of people who gather together for

  1. similar beliefs and activities
  2. mutual fellowship and friendship
  3. to worship, adore and admire the same supernatural person
  4. following the leadership of one male person who is able to pass on the message of the supernatural one,
  5. assisted by one or more elders/deacons as required for administration purposes
  6. with another person, a pastor/shepherd whose sole purpose is to look after the spiritual and mutual well-being of the individual and family members of the congregation
  7. acknowledging their sins and turning away from those sins in true acts of repentance
  8. knowingly and deliberately refusing to put down anyone who is, or who may wish to be, part of the mutual fellowship and congregation
  9. refusing to speak about anyone behind their back that would have a disparaging effect on that person
  10. refusing to join a group of people which excludes others of the same fellowship
  11. above all, has Godly Benevolence to ALL that shows the Love of Christ without hypocrisy to one and all!

Does your Church uphold these simple acts of faith that would encourage new people to remain with you to worship on a regular basis? Do YOU uphold these same acts of faith?

Uphold the centre point of Matthew 25:21-46.

Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you do to Me!